I Want to Save a Child's Sight!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Real Blame Game

Deposed FEMA director Michael "Brownie you're doing a heckuva job" Brown today blamed others for most of the government failure in responding to Hurricane Katrina.

""My biggest mistake was not recognizing by Saturday that Louisiana was dysfunctional," two days before the storm hit, Brown said."

"I've overseen over 150 presidentially declared disasters. I know what I'm doing, and I think I do a pretty darn good job of it," he said." [Yahoo] [Video] [CNN] [CNNVideo]

What a tool. Where does this guy get off blaming everyone else but himself?! He's a political appointee in a critical position, with NO experience. He even lied on his resume! I understand fully that it's not completely his fault. Local and State Governments need to shoulder some blame. But look, this guy did nothing. He didn't know that there were people in the Convention Center in New Orleans until nearly 4 days later. Turn on a TV you moron! The best part is, he wasn't even fired! He's still on the payroll as a "senior consultant to FEMA." What a joke. This administration takes no responsibility for it's failures.

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